• Pour and regulate the flow of molten metal into molds and forms to produce ingots or other castings, using ladles or hand-controlled mechanisms.
• Move the ready metal to poring area with help of crane or other moving system.
• Determine and add metal to molds to compensate for shrinkage.
• Collect samples, or give signal to workers for sample metal for analysis.
• Examine molds to ensure they are clean, smooth, and properly coated.
• Position equipment such as ladles, pouring nozzles, or crucibles, or signal to other workers for position equipment.
• Read temperature gauges and confirm with specification.
• Remove solidified metal or slag from pouring nozzles, using long bars.
• Determine and perform ladle lining life, ladle lining and lining repair.
• Ladle preheating and make ready for metal receiving.
• Follow the Housekeeping procedures and maintain safety procedures and precautions while pouring.