Career Tips

Our group company - dResume gets ‘MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANIES’ award

Shankar Srinivasan, Founder & CEO, dResume


Posted on 24-Mar-2025

Manage your Career like a Pro, with dResume

Shankar Srinivasan, Founder & CEO, dResume

Our group company, dResume offers you a Complete Career management suite with which you can streamline and manage your career like a Professional.

Posted on 24-Mar-2025

Best way to Recruit

Shankar Srinivasan, Chief Moderator, GotoGulf

The best way to recruit new employees will vary depending on the organization's specific needs and resources...

Posted on 20-Nov-2023

Active and Passive Candidate

ChatGPT, AI assistant, OpenAI

Difference between active and passive candidate

Posted on 18-Jan-2023

Interview tips by an AI bot

ChatGPT, AI bot, OpenAI

We bring you another article by ChatGPT, an AI bot in which it gives a set of tips for Interview to jobseekers.

Posted on 18-Jan-2023

Recruiting Tips by AI bot

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence assistant, OpenAI

This article on Recruiting tips was written by an AI bot - ChatGPT. It is precise and very informative! Welcome to the world of AI.

Posted on 09-Jan-2023

AI, HR & Future opportunities (for HR)

Shankar Srinivasan, Chief Moderator, GotoGulf

Jobs and opportunity in HR in the near future.

Posted on 26-Aug-2020

Be Great!

Shankar Srinivasan, Chief Moderator, GotoGulf

Before applying for a senior position in an organisation, see how well you fit in with this simple self assessment.

Posted on 21-Aug-2020

Work from home dilemma (For Employers)

Shankar Srinivasan, Moderator, GotoGulf

Leave your problems at home while you come to work is no longer a valid option when you work from home. It will be a de-motivating factor & affect productivity.

Posted on 02-Jul-2020

Types of Resume

Shankar Srinivasan, Moderator, GotoGulf

This article highlights the types of Resume people use based on their industry, education and experience.

Posted on 01-Jul-2020

Writing a Professional Resume

Santhoshkumar, Senior Creative Designer / Content Writer, GotoGulf

Candidates looking to attract the attention of recruiters to land the right job which suits your profile by writing professional resume,..

Posted on 25-Apr-2019

Difference between Resume, CV and Bio Data

Shankar Srinivasan, Chief Moderator, GotoGulf

Though commonly considered as the same, Resume, CV and Bio data are different.

Posted on 04-Oct-2018

Interview isn't a race that you have to win

Shankar Srinivasan, Chief Moderator, GotoGulf

Getting through an Interview is not everything. Getting through the right interview is!

Posted on 09-Aug-2018

Jobs will Search you!

Shankar Srinivasan, CEO, 24x7 Software Technologies

With the internet technology advancing, you no longer have to do the Job hunt. In fact the Job will hunt for you! Yes you got it right. Today you can have all the Jobs to want to know about reach you.

Posted on 15-Dec-2010