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Khalid Hussain

Candidate ID: 1795184

Career Summary

Doctorate with 20 years experience in Teaching / Education / Languages / Faculty functional area

Skill Set

arabic teacher

Professional Information

Total Experience : 21

Nationality : Sudan

Qualification Level : Doctorate

Job Function : Teaching / Education / Languages / Faculty

Work Location Preference : Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE

Detailed Profile

I am Khalid Hussain Khalid
Resident in Dubai
hold a Doctorate degree in Arabic language. 2007.
hold a Bachelor's degree in Education. International University of Africa- Khartoum
work in the field of education since 1998.
worked in schools for five years as a teacher.
worked in Islamic institutes in Bahrain for 12 semesters
worked as an editor and proofreader for newspapers for 18 months in the
Emirates, Sudan, and Bahrain.
presented three training courses in the field of education:
1. "The parents skills for the distinguished student".
2. "Accelerated learning games".
3. "Two-point Technique to improve the font".
I am very interested in developing myself and developing the educational process
through games.
Interested in sports and reading.
write poetry, short stories, novel and play.
I hope to convert my games into apps.