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Samere Diri

Candidate ID: 2314702

Career Summary

UK trained and British citizen ophthalmologist. completed my qualification in Ophthalmology medical retina training program: MSc 2013 at the University College of London – Institute Of Ophthalmology Moorfields Eye Hospital London. Extensive and wide clinical experience in ophthalmology

Skill Set

Leading busy Anti-VEGF clinic , ophthalmology, medical retina , diabetic retinopathy - macula degeneration, glaucoma care, cornea, cataract, ocular surface diseases,

Professional Information

Total Experience : 15

Nationality : United Kingdom

Qualification Level : Doctorate

Job Function : Doctor / Medical Research / Dean / Medical Professors

Work Location Preference : Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE

Detailed Profile


Dear sir/madam:
I’m a UK trained and British citizen ophthalmologist. I had completed my qualification in Ophthalmology medical retina training program:
MSc 2013 at the University College of London – Institute Of Ophthalmology
Moorfields Eye Hospital London.

I have an extensive and wide clinical experience in leading busy ophthalmology clinics including specialities :
Glaucoma, Cataract, Uveitis, Cornea , Ocular surface disease including allergy, neuro-ophthalmology, medical retina; including diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

I can boost highly the ophthalmic medical care at your centre by applying the most up to date evidence-based medicine in ophthalmology and according to the British healthcare standard.
I have advanced leadership, managerial and communication skills at horizontal and vertical dimensions. I am easily adaptable and can fit well to work in harmony with all members in any team. My principles and values are based on treating every member of the team with great respect and dignity. Moreover, my highest priority are patient safety, confidentiality with respect which are paramount.

Competencies and skills:
Fluent in English and Arabic languages as native, excellent hand-eye coordination, clinical expertise, patient confidentiality, documentation, health care reliability, health care quality, health care safety, person-centered care, advanced leadership, managerial and IT skills.

I am fully trained medically but with health economic background with postgraduate degree:
Diploma with merit in Public Health-Planning, management and Health Economics
City University London 2022.

I’m very keen and willing to apply to work at your ophthalmology department.

Looking forward to be part of your team.

Best wishes
Samer Diri MD MSc PG Dip
Consultant Ophthalmologist